
International Business

International Business One of the most important aspects of being a part of an international business is the opportunity to interact with colleague and partners from all corners of the world. This course will help you understand the rules of different culture in a business setting. Read More Etiquette in Business by ND The International Business Course   What you’ll get from this course The etiquette of international business meetings and interactions A better understanding of the cultures you will be meeting An effective set of etiquette guidelines for international business people   The basics of this course This course will help participants develop a better understanding of the international sphere and the appropriate behavior that comes with it. They will gain knowledge on different cultures and how to conduct themselves abroad through proper etiquette. With tons of activities during the course, participants will gain practical skills on interacting with others no matter their culture.   The objectives of this course Learn the importance of culture when it comes to international business meetings Understand what etiquette can do for you cross-culture How to build effective and long-lasting relationships with international colleagues and partners Gain the guidelines of proper etiquette in a business setting   The NDE Course Outline   Every culture has its rules in business One of the most important aspects of being a part of an international business is the opportunity to interact with colleague and partners from all corners of the world. This course will help you understand the rules of different culture in a business setting.   Build relationships that last forever With etiquette at your disposal, participants can use these practices to create effective relationships between partners and colleagues all over the world. People who are exposed to international settings should be seen as representatives of their country and company. They need to conduct themselves well and that is possible with the right etiquette practices.   A world of international etiquette Etiquette can be used for all walks of life. From business to customer service, for local settings or international meetings, and from etiquette with the family or with new friends. In this course, participants will gain the skills they need to communicate properly, understand the cultural rules of etiquette worldwide and adopt a professional mindset that leaves a lasting impression.

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Cross-Cultural Communication

Cross-Cultural Communication In this course, participants will start by self-assessing their skills and develop a plan on how to use etiquette for cross-culture business meetings. With tons of information at your disposal, this course adds new layers of communication and culture to a business setting. Read More Etiquette in Business by ND The Cross-Cultural Communication Course   What you’ll get from this course An open space for meaningful conversations and how to apply etiquette to the discussions The main principles of etiquette with cross-cultural communication Skills that can improve your etiquette in communication Tool to solve problems with cross-cultural etiquette   The basics of this course The business world is changed over the years and employees are struggling to adapt to the shifts. Etiquette is always evolving and accommodating new practices. This courses covers all the etiquette rules when it comes to cross-cultural interactions from greetings to effective communication skills. Whether you have a multi-cultural team or your business frequently deals with meetings abroad, this course makes it easy for staff to adopt a professional attitude in every international meeting.     The objectives of this course Learn the pros of a cross-cultural team in business Understand the fundamentals of etiquette in international business How to communicate with international colleagues Understand the different perspectives from various cultures in business How to use etiquette in body language and communication   The NDE Course Outline   Different cultures make better experiences In this course, participants will start by self-assessing their skills and develop a plan on how to use etiquette for cross-culture business meetings. With tons of information at your disposal, this course adds new layers of communication and culture to a business setting.   The etiquette of communication English is a universal language. However, different cultures have various phrases that aren’t used by all. This makes it harder to communicate in a cross-cultural setting. With this course, participants will understanding how many cultures communicate, the etiquette strategies to enhance their communication skills, and create better business opportunities.     From email etiquette to in-person Etiquette can be used in various ways when it comes to business. From emails between staff or clients to international business meetings, participants will understand the best etiquette practices that they can use to talk to multi-cultural teams in all forms of communication.

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The Business Attire Course

The Business Attire In this course, participants will start to understand what a professional image can do for them in the business work. It doesn’t matter in what field or industry, wearing the right attire can truly help businesses thrive. When it comes to attire, people have all the control and can work on themselves to boost their confidence and work ethic.     Read More Etiquette in Business by ND The Business Attire Course   What you’ll get from this course The importance of looking professional for the job The concept of personal branding and how it can help improve your business relationships Details of corporate, business, and casual attire Emphasize the importance of proper grooming in the workplace. The etiquette rules in looking professional and suitable.   The basics of this course In today’s world everyone evaluates others based on their appearance. Etiquette can truly help you gain control over how you look in a business setting and can make significant changes that will help you advance. This course will give participants practical assistance and simple measures they can take to rapidly improve their professional image with an etiquette mindset.   The objectives of this course How to maintain a professional image to thrive at work Learn the difference between appropriate and inappropriate business attire. The etiquette of dressing with professionalism and civility Identify some of the most common and crucial grooming problems. Understand the importance of accessories in projecting a professional image. How body language, vocal tones, and personal routines can contribute to a solid professional image.   The NDE Course Outline   The preparation of the wardrobe In this course, participants will start to understand what a professional image can do for them in the business work. It doesn’t matter in what field or industry, wearing the right attire can truly help businesses thrive. When it comes to attire, people have all the control and can work on themselves to boost their confidence and work ethic.       The yes and the no Etiquette has clear rules and guidelines when it comes to business attire. With this course, participants will start to distinguish between the wrong and the right attire that sticks to the guidelines of etiquette, helps elevate a brand image, and identifies the clear standards of the workplace.   The attire from top to bottom An outfit can speak much louder than words. A simple accessory can turn the tides of a professional image from bad to great. From business to casual, etiquette will teach participants the art of choosing what to wear, improve your image to others, notice the bad grooming habits, accessorizing the right way, and building a strong overall image.

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The Business Networking Course

Business Networking This course will start by giving participants an overview of networking, its vital factors, its benefits, and what it can do for a business.  Participants will get the chance to use skills in etiquette to create networking goals and build better connections. Read More Etiquette in Business by ND The Business Networking Course   What you’ll get from this course An understanding of the benefits of networking and how it works Vital information on how to improve business relationships through networking. Strategies for growing a business network. Knowledge on using etiquette to network the right way   The basics of this course Individuals get a lot of their information from other people. Their reputation is dependent on these networks, their skills are passed on through word-of-mouth, and the advantages of forming a well-functioning business network are numerous. This course will teach participants how to use the etiquette of networking and build professional and personal relationships.   The objectives of this course Understand the important of business networking How to master the etiquette of introductions Skills to throwing a networking event successfully The etiquette of online and internal networking How to apply the etiquette of following up after the networking event   The NDE Course Outline   Why is networking vital? This course will start by giving participants an overview of networking, its vital factors, its benefits, and what it can do for a business.  Participants will get the chance to use skills in etiquette to create networking goals and build better connections.   The etiquette of networking An employee’s ability to be a part of gatherings, meetings, and conferences in a professional manner is vital to painting a positive image for the client. This course will help give the team the attitude, confidence, and mindset to adopt a respectable attitude for the company. It will give them the tools they need to network in a professional manner to increase their prospects and the reputation of the business.      The etiquette of conversation In networking events, business meetings, or social situations, etiquette has an important role. It can lead conversations professionally, give participants proper manners when talking or eating, and it can create a positive atmosphere in the meeting with civility and calmness.

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The Business Dinner Course

The Business Dinner Many members of the staff don’t think about the importance of a business dinner and how it can shape the image of the business. With this etiquette course for business dinners, participants will understand the proper manners they need to adopt on the table. This gives them better practices of knowing what to do, how to do it, and how to conduct themselves.     Read More Etiquette in Business by ND The Business Dinner Course   What you’ll get from this course A deeper explanation of dining etiquette and the importance of etiquette in business dinners The basics of table etiquette An understanding of who the host and guests are and their roles   The basics of this course Many members of the staff don’t think about the importance of a business dinner and how it can shape the image of the business. With this etiquette course for business dinners, participants will understand the proper manners they need to adopt on the table. This gives them better practices of knowing what to do, how to do it, and how to conduct themselves.       The objectives of this course Understand the importance of proper manners at the dinner tables A better overview of the roles of the host and guests How to conduct yourself in proper business dinners How to use etiquette to drive a dinner conversation Learn the etiquette of dining with different cultures The NDE Course Outline   The importance of dining etiquette With etiquette at the forefront of business, it is equally important to adopt this mindset for any business dinners whether with other staff members or with clients. In this course, participants will gain an in-depth knowledge of how to use etiquette practices to improve the image of your business at dinners.       Knowledge means professionalism At business dinners, participants are expected to act a certain way, eat a certain way, and understand the typical dining practices. This course will give participants information on how dinners are professionally conducted. They will learn which utensils go where, how to properly order a meal, and how to implement basic manners at the table.       Etiquette brings cultures to dinner During business dinners, it is common to meet clients and other staff members from various cultures that might have different outlooks on dining. Etiquette teaches the participants how to use cross-cultural business styles to adopt good manners no matter where the dinner is or with who.

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