Handling Difficult Customers

Handling Difficult Customers

It is a rule in businesses that not every customer will be as easy to serve as others. This course will give participants the preparations towards dealing with difficult customers. It includes the basics, reasoning, and causes of unhappy customers and how to properly understand them.

Etiquette in Customer Service by ND

Handling Difficult Customers


  • What you’ll get from this course
  • Building a rapport with the customers
  • An understanding of what frustrates your customers
  • Tools on how to engage and calm frustrated customers
  • An improvement of listening and problem-solving skills
  • Techniques on how to de-stress tough situations
  • The basics of this course

This course is designed to give your customers a better and more professional experience. By training your employees to handle difficult situations and unhappy customers, your organization can rise in the ranks of customer service by created a professional and respectable team.


  • The objectives of this course
  • Understand the unhappy customer
  • Develop a professional language that eases tensions
  • Learn how to listen and act
  • Meet customer expectations
  • Apply tips to communicate with angry customers

The NDE Course Outline


The difficult moments of demanding customers

It is a rule in businesses that not every customer will be as easy to serve as others. This course will give participants the preparations towards dealing with difficult customers. It includes the basics, reasoning, and causes of unhappy customers and how to properly understand them.


The skills of listening and responding

Difficult customers want one thing, to be listened to. This course will develop the etiquette of active listening, how to respond to a difficult customer and build a successful rapport between each other.


The techniques on dealing with frustrated customers

Understanding the difficult customers is the first step in gaining the etiquette of dealing with tough situations. It’s important to know that not everyone will be happy and using this to properly address the frustrations of a difficult customer.


De-stress situations and lighten the tension

Difficult customers will lead to difficult situations which could affect the reputation of the organization. This course will create a brighter and happier relationship between your organization and the customers.


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